Atlanta Irish Dance by Burke Connolly Offers Beginner & Advanced Adult Irish Dance Classes!
Get active, make new friends, and learn to Irish dance from the best in the South!
Our Adults dance choose what they feel comfortable with: recreational dancing or performing and/or competing!
ADULT Beginning Irish Dance
Saturdays 9:45AM - 10:30AM
Whether you've NEVER taken any dance class before, or you want to try a new dance style, the Adult Beginning Irish Dance class is a perfect start! This course focuses on basics such as foot placement and posture while learning the essential movements to Irish dance, including the Jig & Reel!
Tuition: $100/mo.
Family Discounts: Make it a family affair! 10% off for families with more than 1 student enrolled.
ADULT Advanced Irish Dance Class & Adult Ceili Class
Advanced Adult Class Saturdays 11:15AM - 12:30PM
Adult Ceili Class Saturdays 10:30AM - 11:15AM
Advanced Adult Class is for Adult Irish dances who have a strong foundation in Irish Dance basics and already know hard shoe dances. Dancers may also be invited to compete in various competitions, including the Southern Regional Championships, which now offers an Adult Championships!
We also offer a competitive Ceili Class for our Adult dancers, who can compete in the Southern Region Oireachtas and local feiseanna!
Advanced Class Tuition: $140/month
Ceili Class Tuition: $50/month
Family Discounts: Make it a family affair! 10% off for families with more than 1 student enrolled.
*Payment plans are available. Please email for details. Fall Mini Session is 1 installment only.
Our Adult 4-hand teams at the Southern Regional Championship!