Grade Exam Information- ***REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!***

Grade Exams 1 - 12 will be held on June 6, 2025, at the Evergreen Lakeside Resort.

The timetable will be determined after all registration is complete.

Exams will not begin before 2:00PM.

Our examiner will be announced once all applications for Grades 11 & 12 are submitted.

Grades 1-3, $26 each
Grades 4-6, $37 each
Grades 7-10, $52 each
Grades 11-12. $110 each

For general information regarding Grade Exams, please review our Blog Post and CLRG's Information Page.

Reminder: dancers who have previously completed Grade Exams MUST bring their certificates with them on June 6th. Dancers completing Grades 9 - 12 must bring their own music that can plug into a 1/8" connector.

To apply, please fill out the following google form. Your spot is not secured until you have submitted a complete application and paid for the exams. No refunds for any reason.

STEP 1 - APPLY for Grades 1-10:

Grades 1 - 10 Application Form (each dancer must submit their own form): CLICK HERE

  • The deadline to apply for Grades 1-10 is May 12, 2025.

  • Late applications will NOT be accepted.

  • Grades will be capped once the maximum is reached and a waitlist will be formed.

  • The cap may be hit prior to the deadline to apply.

STEP 1 - APPLY for Grade 11 or 12:

Grade 11 or 12 Application Form (each dancer must submit their own form): CLICK HERE


Please email with any questions.